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Easily Record Your Prepared Remarks


Utilize our self-record automated service for a near flawless conference playback.  Self-record allows presenters to pre-record presentations prior to the live event.  The automated system offers unlimited access for re-takes and review 24/7*.


*To ensure ample time for successful processing, recordings must be complete 24 hours prior to live event.


After You Complete Your Self-Record - COMPLETE THE FORM BELOW


If you have multiple self records that you would like pieced together in one single file, please complete the form below and our media team will begin working on your request.


(It may take a moment for your Self-Record Notification form to load below.)


For use on a scheduled call


Please note that a minimum of 24 hours prior to the scheduled call time is requested for our media team to create your file.  All presenters/speakers are to complete their recordings PRIOR to completing this form.


Your data will be processed with the European GDPR Guidelines.  For more information refer to our website.

Need a Self-Record Account?


If you do not already have a self-record account, please contact our team and they'll create an account.

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